The ACLU understands the First Amendment Better than Elise Stefanik
Why is it always women ignoring basic constitutional rights?
From The New York Times:
«[W]hen the Supreme Court agreed to hear the N.R.A.’s free-speech challenge to what it said were a New York official’s efforts to blacklist it, one of its lawyers had a bold idea. Why not ask the A.C.L.U. to represent it before the justices?
[Lots of discussion about the ACLU wrestling with its conscience before defending the first amendment rights of the most important civil rights organization in the country.]
<<A central question in the case, National Rifle Association v. Vullo, No. 22-842, is whether Maria Vullo [fascist] — uh oh! Will she come after me for saying that?], a former superintendent of the New York State Department of Financial Services, leveraged government power in a way that violated the First Amendment.
<<According to the N.R.A.’s lawsuit, Ms. Vullo crossed a constitutional line by encouraging banks and insurance companies to stop doing business with the group after the 2018 school shooting in Parkland, Fla. The rampage left 17 people dead.»
A SHOCKING use of government power to prevent the exercise of First Amendment to defend Second Amendment rights.
But this incredible abuse of power was upheld by the Second Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Denny Chin — because Asians are totally going to start voting Republican any day now!
«[C]hin, writing for the panel, acknowledged that government officials may not “use their regulatory powers to coerce individuals or entities into refraining from protected speech.” ...
<<“At the same time, however,” he wrote, “government officials have a right — indeed, a duty — to address issues of public concern."
By using the power of government to destroy political opponents.
«[K]ey documents, he said, “were written in an evenhanded, nonthreatening tone and employed words intended to persuade rather than intimidate.”»
We would like to persuade you, financial institutions, to stop doing business with the NRA because of its political speech. No pressure! But we’ll subject you to investigations, regulatory scrutiny and penalties if you don’t.
Chin’s opinion: Nat'l Rifle Ass'n of Am. v. Vullo
Women in the news this week for abrogating the fundamental constitutional right to free speech:
Maria Vullo, former superintendent of the New York State Department of Financial Services
Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY)
Claudine Gay, Harvard University President
Liz Magill, University of Pennsylvania President
Sally Kornbluth, Massachusetts Institute of Technology President
Every H.R. representative, semper
Once again, it is time to reconsider our rash experiment with women’s suffrage.
Stefanik made clear the hypocrisy of the Presidents. Selective free speech is not free speech. Can’t call someone a fatso or a dyke but ok to be vocal about genocide?.
Stefanik wanted them to condemn anti-Semitic speech- which they would not do.
Support of free speech is most important when one despises what is said, not when one supports the position.
Women value security over freedom. That may be forever, at least it has been up until now. Valuing freedom over security as a woman makes you an outlier. Or a target. Or a heretic. One of those.