Liberals explain TRUE Reaganomics
Everything's PERFECT, except we need more outsourcing of jobs.
The Atlantic: Reaganomics is on its Last Legs
Facts on the Ground:
Most of Socialist Party platform achieved.
Top 50 percent of taxpayers paid 97.7 % of federal income taxes.
80,000 New IRS agents.
$35 Trillion in debt.
Socialized Health Care.
Student debt forgiven.
40-60 MILLION illegal aliens living here.
More than half immigrants get a government check.
Flirting with Weimar style hyperinflation.
Biden’s never had any original ideas….his staff just recycles bad ones between shuffleboard games.
35 trillion in debt? Dr Mark Skidmore a professor of public finance at Michigan State University calculated the national debt at 90 trillion in 2015. Lawrence kotlikoff a noble prize winning economist from Boston University calculated total unfunded liabilities at 200 trillion in 2015. Recently the numbers were updated to 260 trillion. If the national debt really was 35 trillion we would have some chance of digging are way out of this with severe austerity. Any combination of budget cuts and or tax increases big enough to make a dent in these would cause a catastrophic meltdown all by themselves.