John Tierney's Amazing Facts about School Shootings
To save lives we need lifeguards more than armed school guards.
The always brilliant John Tierney on school shootings in the current “City Journal”:
“[Le]t me suggest a more practical and immediate way for Americans to cope with [the Uvalde] tragedy: turn off the television.
— “[School shootings] actually occurred more often in the 1990s than recently—but back then, there wasn’t an army of satellite trucks competing around the clock to chronicle the horror.”
— “[T]he annual odds that an American child will die in a mass shooting at school are nearly 10 million to 1, about the odds of being killed by lightning or of dying in an earthquake.” [Fact from James Alan Fox, criminologist at Northeastern University].
— “Those are also about the same odds that any American will die in a mass public shooting like the recent one in Buffalo.”
— “[T]he active-shooter drills now conducted in over 95 percent of the nation’s schools … are associated with higher levels of depression, stress and anxiety.”
— In the past decade, the total number of students killed by any sort of gunfire at school each year: 10 out of 50 million students. Total number of children killed by drowning every year: hundreds.
Read the whole thing here.
Yet more proof of how the legacy media is doing a profound disservice to the public.
In a sane world, people like John Tierney, James Alan Fox and Massad Ayoob would be household names, regularly featured on TV and all media...and people like Whoopi Goldberg would have been ushered off the public stage decades ago. They deal with actual facts and not hysteria, why is precisely why you won't see them on TV.
We now stand on the brink of losing even more of our Constitutional rights needlessly; all because of the mad rush for TV ratings and the Left's efforts to maintain a climate of fear.
If we allow America to be wrecked by Left-wing propaganda that has precisely zero basis in fact, there will be no shining beacon of freedom we can fall back to; we're Civilization's best and final hope.
Turn off the damn TV. Unless we can get Ann her own show, of course ;-)
Most of those children would have never self actualized anyhow, public education is a failed institution in this country. Most of the poor children are functional retards who can’t read or critically think. I am not in support of mass shootings but it would be more practical to Allie these students to develop their own countries. We need to support the development of educational programs in the countries that are developing then the mass migraters will understand the purpose of developing a skill and becoming a member of the middle class. Most have dreams of manual labor, while most Americans realize manual labor is a ducking nightmare.