The ACLU has somehow managed to convince Obama appointee, U.S. District Judge Nancy J. Rosenstengel, (that’s sarcasm) to order taxpayer-funded sex-reassignment surgery for convicted terrorist “Cristina Iglesias,” born Kenneth R. West.
Judge Nancy J. Rosenstengel
Iglesias/West is currently in prison for making terrorist threats to federal judges, and for anthrax attacks on British officials after 9/11.
But as Judge Rosenstengel explained, the transgender terrorist is SUFFERING! "Iglesias suffers daily and is at risk of self-mutilation and suicide."
Thanks to ACLU’s hard work, Iglesias/West has already been transferred to a women’s prison, which must make the female inmates feel very safe.
“Trans' terrorist to receive taxpayer funded sex change surgery”
Serves him right. I heard it's brutal (reassignment surgery). And wouldn't it lower his risk of committing rape?
Just got kicked off Twitter for saying Gender Dystopian is a mental aberration! Oh Yeah going to hell in a handbasket!