On Thanksgiving week last November, New York City removed a 7-foot-tall statue of Thomas Jefferson from City Hall, where it had been displayed for 187 years. Historians, Harvard Law professors, the president of the city’s Design Commission -- even the left-wing New York Daily News -- implored the city to re-think removing the statue.
The council was unmoved. One councilwoman said Jefferson “embodied some of the most shameful parts of our country’s history.” Former councilman and current Assemblyman, Charles Barron, said the statue should be “destroyed.” The city council’s vote to remove the statue was unanimous.
This, because of slavery.
Then in December last year, the Charlottesville City Council voted to turn its Robert E. Lee statue over to the (ironically named) “Jefferson School African American Heritage Center, to melt it down and turn it into something else. The Smithsonian magazine dubbed the fiery destruction of this piece of our history “a bold plan”!
This, because of slavery.
In one of his last acts before leaving office, Governor Ralph Northam of Virginia announced a deal to turn over all other Confederate monuments to the state’s African-American museums.
This included the 14-foot statue of Robert E. Lee created by the French sculptor Antonin Mercie given to the Commonwealth of Virginia in 1890 in exchange for a promise that the state would faithfully guard and affectionately protect it. The Richmond statue had already been chopped into pieces and hauled off land ceded to the state in exchange for that promise.
This statue had been added to the listed on the National Register of Historic Places only in 2007. They don’t just casually put things on that registry – it has to be nominated and approved by a board, overcoming objectors. That’s how fast things are moving. Placed on the Historic registry in 2007. Fourteen years: Let’s pointlessly mutilate this statue!
This, because of slavery.
So you can imagine my surprise when, in the midst of our newly-energized obsession with slavery, to be reading about Yaseen Eldick, a highly salaried “diversity” employee at Yale Law School, ordering a second-year law student to apologize for using the phrase “Trap House” in a light-hearted party invitation.
Needless to say, Eldik is not descended from American slaves.
Liberals: Who’re they?
Of course he’s the child of immigrants. The left’s idea of making up for slavery and Jim Crow is to give an Egyptian immigrant a cushy “diversity” job.
Having stolen the black experience in America for his own benefit, Eldick proceeded to go ballistic about a phrase no actual black person would have even noticed: “Trap House.”
The party invitation to the members of Yale’s Native American Law Students Association (NALSA), said:
“Hope you’re feeling social! This Friday at 7:30, we’ll be christening our very own (soon to be) world-renowned NALSA Trap House by throwing a Constitution Day bash in collaboration with FedSoc.” And so on.
According to Eldick (Yale’s African-American stand-in), “you would think about the word ‘trap’ through the lens of a crack den or crack house,” reminding people “of the drug use that has been historically associated with poor black communities in this country.”
Black people: F—k you, Eldick.
Eldik even threatened the law student who’d sent the invitation, talking about his “reputation” and ominously warning, “The legal community is a small one.”
I don’t know why I have to keep saying this, but: Immigrants, you’re not black.
Affirmative action, preferences, minority set-asides, make-work jobs in corporate America —all these used to be justified by the legacy of slavery. (Remember slavery? I know I haven’t heard a thing about it for years!)
The entire edifice of affirmative action and discrimination law was meant to address the black experience in America, not to reward any loser with resentments. The idea was: Okay, we’ve got 10 percent of the population that got the short end of the stick for a couple of centuries, so we’re spending it all on them.
America altered constitutional provisions about private property and freedom of contract—to prevent discrimination against the descendants of American slaves. Affirmative action policies and racial quotas were developed—to benefit the descendants of American slaves.. We agreed to virtually criminalize the use of certain words— out of solicitude for the descendants of American slaves.
Are you seeing the pattern? There’s no justification for giving unfair advantages to anybody except the descendants of American slaves. Without that, affirmative action and the “diversity” regime is just discrimination against white Americans.
So why are racial preferences being handed out in great heaping portions to Muslims, Indians, Hmong, Somalis, and Latin Americans?
Here’s how: Thanks to Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 Immigration Act, every parasite from the entire world came in and announced, Here’s a new agenda for the civil rights movement and it doesn’t include you, black America!
Thereupon, liberals forgot about slavery, except to blame Republicans for something Democrats did. Now, they act as if they never mentioned anything about the redress of historic grievances. “Slavery” is useful only as cudgel to bash Republicans — and as an excuse to hire more immigrants.
Integration was about redressing historic wrongs done to black America. Diversity isn’t. Under the diversity regime, everyone gets affirmative except white people, AKA “the descendants of the people who built this country.” The intended beneficiaries, descendants of American slaves, are in the back of the bus that’s bulging with immigrants.
POINT 2. I don’t want to hear about any “diversity” counselors at Yale until that retrograde, racist, arrogant university changes its name. As I may have mentioned a time or two, YALE IS NAMED AFTER A BRUTAL SLAVE TRADER, ELIHU YALE!
So far, Yale’s only response has been to say: TROLL! TROLL! TROLL! You’re only bringing up Elihu Yale because you don’t like us!
True. I don’t like you, but doesn’t mean that you’re right. By the rules you guys created, the name “Yale,” has to go. Every mention of it anywhere within 100 miles of New Haven, CT, must be vandalized, torn down, chopped up and melted for scrap metal.
And while you’re at it, Eldick needs to be replaced by the descendant of an American slave. Or for some real diversity at Yale, a white heterosexual American male.
So glad to see you in this space Ann! Long time reader...
"Having stolen the black experience in America for his own benefit"... hey, wait a minute. isn't that "cultural appropriation"?! the black community should be PISSED that immigrants are STEALING their affirmative action!!
I mean, I've seen a little girl bashed on social media for dancing to a song by a black singer, so why do they let immigrants steal their set-asides??